The real cost of fresh flowers

16 December 2023 | 2 MIN. READ
The real cost of fresh flowers

Fresh flowers have long been symbols of beauty and love, but beneath their vibrant colors and delicate petals lies a less-known story – one that has significant implications for our planet. It's a narrative that raises a crucial question: are we, as consumers, unintentionally contributing to environmental harm with each bouquet we buy? The answer, unfortunately, might not be as rosy as the flowers themselves.

The hidden environmental cost of fresh flowers

Each time we indulge in purchasing fresh flowers, we're tapping into an industry that is more taxing on the environment than many realize. This isn’t just about the CO2 emissions from transporting these blooms across continents or the significant water usage involved in their cultivation – it’s also about the staggering level of waste produced.

A closer look at waste and water usage 

  • An estimated 30-50% of flowers grown never find their way to a vase. Instead, they end up as part of an ever-growing pile of floral waste, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions as they decompose.
  • Consider the rose, a symbol of love and perhaps the most popular flower in bouquets worldwide. Each rose consumes about 400 liters of water before it’s ready for sale. That’s roughly the equivalent of what an average person drinks in a year!
  • Not far behind, hortensias (or hydrangeas) require around 370 liters of water each. This staggering amount highlights the resource-intensive nature of flower farming.

A sustainable alternative
In the midst of these environmental concerns, there's a glimmer of hope, and it comes from an unexpected source – preserved flowers. At the heart of our production lie our flower fields, a testament to beauty and sustainability coexisting harmoniously.

From Field to Forever - our preservation process
We grow beautiful, colorful flowers, which we then treat with a special technique, ensuring they retain their allure for years, not just days. This process significantly cuts down on waste and the environmental footprint associated with traditional floristry.

Why preserved flowers make a difference

  • Reduced water usage: by choosing preserved over fresh flowers, the water saved is substantial. Imagine the positive impact of shifting even a fraction of traditional flower purchases to preserved ones.
  • Lower CO2 emissions: Preserved flowers don’t require the frequent, long-distance transportation that fresh flowers do, meaning a dramatic reduction in carbon footprint.
  • Minimized waste: With a lifespan that stretches into years, preserved flowers don’t contribute to the daily waste generated by the fresh flower industry.

Your power as a consumer
Every purchase decision we make sends a message. By saying no to fresh flowers and embracing preserved ones, you’re not just selecting a long-lasting, beautiful product – you’re making a statement about the kind of world you want to live in.


Join our Movement: Preserve Beauty, Protect the Planet
It's not too late to make a change. Start making a difference today by choosing preserved flowers. It’s a small step for you, but a giant leap for our planet. Together, we can turn the tide and ensure that the beauty we enjoy today doesn't cost the earth of tomorrow.

Dive into our world of sustainable beauty and discover how you can be a part of this vital change.